Office Action Response

OAR Preparation

Once the patent application has been published it will be examined by the examiner at the Patent Office (like USPTO or others) before it can be granted. Among other things, examiners conduct prior art searching to locate relevant references that can challenge the novelty of an application. Often, examiners may send non-final rejection (NFR) to the applicants by citing prior arts to support the rejection.

LogicApt can help in preparing a response to the office action (OA) by understanding the reason behind claims rejection.

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Ways to Respond

There are two major ways

Amend and make necessary changes to the claims, description, and drawings of the application that will hopefully be accepted by the examiner. Amendments may result in narrowing down the scope of the patent.

Argue or justify why the examiner may have misinterpreted the prior art or may have overlooked certain portions of prior art or patent application. The argument need to be polite, yet convincing so that the examiner may reconsider the previous rejections and allow the claims either with minimal changes or no changes.

End Product:

Our Report contains a reply in word format drafted as per the guidelines from the Patent office of a specific jurisdiction.


Chances of success are very high based on our previous records and deep understanding of prosecution by the drafters, which enable them to write responses having lesser chances of rejection.

Logic Apt
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