NFT and Supporting Technologies
In recent years, Non-fungible Tokens (NFTs), a type of crypto asset, have caught the attention of investors. NFT represents a non-replaceable or non-interchangeable data unit and ownership of unique items that are being stored on blockchain ledgers. So, NFT’s are the digital assets that can be bought
Apple’s Patent which we might want as products
Apple’s patent portfolio may surprise you with what is coming next We all know Apple as the biggest smartphone dominator with its product portfolio giving top-notch output for its users, but what we don’t know is that Apple’s patent portfolio is exactly the opposite of it. Apple is famous for iPho
Virtual Dispersive Networking [VDN]
The US enterprise faces several serious cyber-attacks every year, which costs them in millions. A MIM (man-in-the-middle) silently attacks the pathway for sending data and obstructs the message that pass between two ends. To reduce the cyber-attacks and securing the data transmission, a unique approach,
Patent Invalidation
What is the objective of an invalidation search? Patent invalidation searches are conducted to identify the patent and non-patent literature that can destroy the claims of an invention rendering them non-novel and obvious, thus killing the patent. Invalidity search is an extensive search of relevant
Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM)
Remote patient monitoring (RPM) is a technology to monitor patients outside of conventional clinical settings, such as in the home or in a remote area, which may increase access to care and decrease healthcare delivery costs. In hospitals, a lot of patients are admitted which makes it very difficult to
Performing Anomalous Infringement
An infringement search is one of the most important searches designed to help the patent owners or inventors to ascertain that their patented technology is not being used without their consent. We at LogicApt help our clients by conducting detailed searches for identifying any products that may infringe
Valuating Large Sized Patent Portfolio
The portfolio analysis is the process of identifying the strength of the patents, which can possibly be infringed by the existing products in the market. Evaluation of the patents for preparing a portfolio requires an intensive investment of time and skills. The valuation of a big patent portfolio for a